Work with a creative team, fast paced work environment, meet hackers and innovators, bring the change together!
We don't track or count the number of hours you work, but focus on how fast you can perform the task.
Don't like any of the design or prototype, no worries, you own it, fight with the product manager of your team to make the changes.
Get chance to directly work with the higher manager, even brainstorm with the entire team.
We select employees for training from higher managers and fund for gaining new skills or nanodegree
Occasional online multiplayer Co-Ops on games like Counter Strike, GTA 5, Far Cry and many more!
Join together for parties and celebrations on weekends or surprise events.
What about a trip to Manali/Goa, setting up workstation far away from home, included here!
Working is more fun when you stay together with the entire team, plan, deploy and brainstorm 24x7
We are open for the mentioned positions, looking for recruits, who would be joining our core team.